Janesville CROP Hunger Walk

About Janesville CROP Hunger Walk

Our 2025 theme is EXERCISE HOPE

The 2025 Janesvile Area CROP Hunger Walk will be held on April 27, 2025.
We will meet at Cargill United Methodist Church at 1:00 pm for registration, team pictures, and send-off.
The Walk will begin at 1:30.
Please enter the building by the side door off the main parking lot.

Refreshments will be available after the walk. Please bring your own water bottle.

Map of Walk Route

Team Captains can turn in collected cash and checks at the Treasurer's table. They can count team donations ahead of time or during the walk.

Remember that 75% of donations go to Church World Service for global missions and 25% will stay locally to support ECHO, Inc.100% of donations go to support missions to end hunger directly.

Please join us in the fight against hunger. The steps we take and funds we raise will make a difference in the lives of others.

Want to be part of a group? Check out the list of teams already started - or create your own!