On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 1pm, members of several regional churches will join together for the Hyattsville CROP Hunger Walk at Lake Artemisia. Park at the Linson Pool parking lot, 5211 Campus Drive, College Park, MD 20740.
Greenbelt Community Church has participated in this Hunger Walk for over three decades! The picture posted here was taken in 1997. The amount of funds we have raised has ranged from about $7k in 2020, when the Walk and our church services were virtual, to around $17K in 2012, when we had around 100 walkers. Last year we set a goal of raising $8K and succeeded in reaching this goal, with around 40 walkers. Because the price of food has risen, this year we have set a goal of raising $10K, including both offline and online donations. The combined total raised annually, counting contributions from all participating churches, is usually $40-$50K.